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Here you'll find information about my upcoming tours and appearances!


The COVID-19 pandemic has not been kind to touring musicians, and I'm no exception. I wear many hats in my daily life, and most weren't conducive to a life on the road even before the lockdown. 

I rarely tour, but single shows and appearances are common in Southwestern Ontario and sometimes in coastal BC. When I do schedule an appearance, whether for music or writing or any of my other public adventures, you'll be the first to know... so long as you check the list!


  • SUSPENDED due to pandemic


  • NOVEMBER 15, 2018: BrewHaHa Yorkville, Toronto, Ontario
    Appearing between 8:30-10PM as part of the Toronto Law SLS Coffee House. I'll be playing some songs live off the new CD.

  • OCTOBER 12-14, 2018: Can-Con 2018, Ottawa, Ontario
    I was lucky enough to attend Can-Con 2018, the conference on Canadian Content in Speculative Arts and Literature, as a writer. I had no plans to serve on panels, but was delighted to appear on the spur of the moment at a Folk and Filk panel on the Saturday night. Thanks for coming out and supporting Desolation Sound, everyone!

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