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  • Where can I find & support your writing?
    My first two novels are on sale now from Cynehelm Press. My most recent short stories can be found in a couple of weird-fiction anthologies by Martian Migraine Press. Check my Writing page for details. Most of my non-academic writing was written with traditional publishing in mind. I'm seeking a new agent right now, but I'm also hard at work on writing some new fiction specifically geared for self-publication. My feelings on the interplay between self-pubbed and trad-pubbed works are best left to a longer blog entry. Generally, I feel that they're equally legitimate forms of publication (especially in the last 2-3 years), but they're also very different and lend themselves to very different projects.
  • Where can I find & support your music?
    Right here! My Music Shop page has purchase links for my début album, Desolation Sound. I offer both physical CDs and digital downloads—though the farther you live from North America, the more expensive it can get to ship. I also distrubute CDs and MP3s through CD Baby in the United States, but this official website is the ONLY SOURCE for digital downloads in lossless FLAC, and all digital downloads from this site only come with a high-res digital version of the 12-page lyric booklet.
  • What kind of guitars/gear/rig do you use?
    Anything I can get my hands on! This page is still under construction but I'm happy to talk about the tools I use to get my sounds. I'm not currently endorsed by any makers of cool stuff (though I am open to endorsement deals!). I'll fill this in in more detail someday soon, maybe even in a video. In the meantime, my main acoustic, "Scar," is a T. J. Baden A-style guitar, with a modified top & bracing from the good folks at Twelfth Fret Music in Toronto. My main electric, "The Green Lady," is a custom hollow-body Stratocaster I designed & built myself using parts from a variety of suppliers. In general I balance my sound by pairing guitars that tend toward twangy with amps that tend toward muddy. When I was just starting out, that was the only way I could get rich full sounds out of bargain-basement gear; while I've upgraded a bit over the years, the principle still holds true.
  • How do I edit or remove the "FAQ title"?"
    The FAQ title can be adjusted in the settings tab of the App Settings. You can also remove the title by unchecking its checkbox in the settings tab.
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